Boot Pulla - Shoe Remover

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  • Regular price £10.21

Pulling off your muddy boots is now a whole lot easier thanks to Boot Pulla
Take the BootPulla anywhere, it folds away for storage in the car!

Perfectly convenient for...• Country Sports• Outdoor Pursuits• Walking the Dogs• Gardening
The 'Boot Pulla' boot jack is a handy helper for those familiar with the problem of removing muddy boots and outdoor footwear with the minimum of fuss. For those of you who like outdoor pursuits or walking in our lovely countryside you will find from time to time when you arrive back to your car or stop for that well earned drink at the local pub; removing you boots can sometimes be a sticky situation. Most of us at home have some sort of boot remover by our back door, but not one that you would like to carry when walking. With that in mind we introduce the 'Boot-Pulla' - a foldable device that neatly fits into its own bag that can be stowed in your rucksack or pocket or even left in your car for when you return keeping the mud and grime safely in the bag to be washed (even in the dish washer) when you arrive home. The “Boot-Pulla” is made from recyclable plastic strong enough to cope with the toughest and largest of boots